
Showing posts from 2010


I did not expect, Haha, I actually marked the wrong day, The day of your homecoming. I'm glad, At least I'm like, The first to know of your arrival. Welcome home Delilah, This is the last for you, Yet it still feels like, A thousand miles away.

Day 21

I slept unusually early last night, Couldn't help it, I was mentally too exhausted. My gum hurts, One big ulcer hides itself, Torments me. The 21st day, The day I should be waiting for, But I've lost the reason. Know you have the answer, But I've forgot the question. Truth sets me free, But this is one freedom, I wish I never had. It hurts, More than my gum.

Day 20

How many days have passed, Counting down to the day, But I never forget to write to you each day. I wish a thousand words can tell, But a thousand steps won't reach, And a thousand wishes won't come true. I wish a thousand prayers would save, And a thousand worries would keep you safe, But a thousand pleads won't hold you. Now my thousands hope, A thousand angels will hold you, And a thousand blessings on me.

Day 19

So far, Away we are. A thousand miles isn't sufficient, Just so far apart. So empty, Nothing we are. A thousand miles isn't sufficient, Just so deep hollow. I search you and find nowhere, I hear you and heard no breath. So far, Apart we are. A thousand miles is way too far.

Day 18

Dilemma, Tomorrow will be the start, To give all that I have, All that I’ve got, In 1 and a half years. I should be anxious, I should be revising, But I don’t know where to start, Yet uneasy for not doing anything. So my camera I carried, For a walk in the midst of anxiety, To see the glory of God, And how He clothes His creations. All that I find, Is comfort.

Day 17

Things do not often go as we wanted it to. We gain things, We lose it often. But when all things fall apart, You know I'm right here for you. I'm sorry I can't be the one for you, But I'm willing to go with you. And be sure, My phone is 24 hours standby, For your name to appear on my screen. Only thing, Tell Maxis and DiGi to increase their coverage, HAHAHA!

Day 16

The door isn't open, I'll try another one.

Day 15

The less of me, The less of you, I would probably be happier. I don't like to do this, But I know I just have to, I ain't the one. Serious this time.

Day 14

How I wish I could be there, To walk you through the pain, To carry you through the streets, To hold you cross the roads. But I know, You would push me away, After all, I'm in no place to do so. Can only watch you from far. Through another slow slow week.

Day 13

Walking those streets, Nothing pleases me, Nothing displeases me as well. There's no difference, How the world shaped into my eyes. Well I constantly test, The faith that I struggle so much. Could I have been living in lies, That I chose to live in; Or could things I perceive, In fact is taking place. Perhaps it is not the reality that I test, It is myself that I doubt. As this poem continues in First-Person Only comes to prove that I'm still living in my own. There's too much ego, Too little humility. There's too much me, Too little You. As the world continues to circle around me, Its gravity would crush me. I made not of gold, Stand to crushing I cannot. Hold me tight, As I continue to sink into myself, I think You can pull me out of this. The idea that I could make a huge difference, The less of me would makes things halt, Would bring more cargo than crane. Tonight my thoughts are jumbled, But I only wish I talk more about You, And you.

Day 12

My heart did not feel any heavier, I only hope that time would go longer. Everyone has gone home, I had to stay, I chose to stay, For there's no where I could go. Maybe he was right, Though jokingly. I couldn't find a reason to stay, When you are away. Time to wave bye, To a place I called 2nd home. Only wish, You could be here.

Day 11

Okay come on DJ, Let's change the channel. Hello Delilah, You're listening to PG FM, Broad-casted from a thousand miles away, But the broadcast is so strong, It vibrates your bones, Straight to your heart. There might be a thousand questions, I know only you could be the answer. And there might be a thousand answers, But you know there could only be one reason. There might be a thousand miles to walk, I promise nothing will hurt like your black "click-clock". There might be a thousand words to talk, I promise I'll get your heart unlocked. I doubt the way I feel, But never doubted the way you heal. I doubt the way I deal, But never doubted the way you feel. I hope I could be the answer, To your thousand questions. I want to be your reason, To your thousand answers. I know the freezing wind chills, But be sure warmth of my heart you'll feel. I know the pain at your heels kill, But be sure, take my hands and you'll be healed. Sweet isn't it? Stay tuned fo...

Day 10

算到最后一支手指, 要从算过。 =) 今晚, 我笑了。 只因心情好。 哈哈, 好心情竟让妳担心。 我没事, 别担心。 只要妳无恙, 只要妳开心, 一切都不重要。 笑吧! 今晚, 我笑了…

Day 9

好冷的一夜, 漆黑的天空, 仿佛想掉泪的孩子, 却哭不出来。 寒风无情, 吹动了我的心, 这开心的一天, 怎么不配今夜的气氛。

Day 8

交错的心情, 眼泪想掉下的一晚。 无能为力的我, 今夜觉得自己好弱。 好多事情, 不在能力范围内, 不受控制。 只想捉紧身边的一切, 却发觉爱我的一切, 悄悄溜走了, 怎么捉, 也捉不住。

Day 7

这一周, 特别漫长, 似乎发生了不少是非。 又失眠了。 不懂怎么搞的, 就是睡不着。 脑海的想象, 在思念的舞台上, 飞舞。 好累, 可思念, 还不想睡。

Day 6

想妳的第六天, 是结束我七年学生生涯, 感触良多的一天。 默默无闻的一年, 在友谊万岁绕梁下, 划了钩。 也许有点不甘心, 却又庆幸, 短短的年半, 经历了又多少的风雨。 唯一遗憾的, 你不在。 两次毕业, 为两个不同的女生, 发出了 遗憾的长叹。 微笑吧! 一切事物, 总得有个结束。

Day 5

超没心情, 发觉自己如此渺小, 如此软弱。 我连对自己的承诺, 也无法守住, 那我, 又能用什么守护任何人? 我的智慧, 竟然把所有人的矛头, 那恐怖, 锋利的口舌, 向我的喉咙, 逼近。 我无法呼吸, 无法还击。 难道, 我正如他们所说, 极端, 无知? 我不懂, 我只能相信主。 至于妳呢? 好像离我好远, 好远…

Day 4

哈哈, 竟然被妳赶回房睡觉! 今天好累哦!

Day 3

怪了, 今天竟然没想妳, 却多了点寂寞。 手机不响了, 也许能让我更专注吧。 我说过会努力的, 一定会用工。 是时候把妳放在一旁了, 却一直还期望着。 骗着自己, 也许妳想让我专心, 一切过去后, 妳方能和我在一起。 可是骗话, 永远不是事实。 告诉自己, =) 该放弃了吧, 死不认输的人。

Day 2

有点早, 其实是睡不着。 被床边的书桌挡着, 想起昨晚埋头苦读, 有点难以置信。 早餐后, 可能是睡不够, 没心情。 两点了, 有点期待妳的电邮, 零。 知道自己有些迫不及待, 还有点笨。 还在, 等待…

Day 1

东, 南, 西, 北。 北方, 向东移一点点。 向妳的方向, 想妳的方向。 听着轻松的歌, 抬头望着那微蓝的天空。 冷了吧? 一丝的妄想, 也许, 妳正望着同一片天空。


手机响起, 振动了我的心, 那来电显示, 是你的名字。 接了电话, 可笑, 我竟然说不出话来。 心中百般感觉, 无法用话语拼出的不舍。 5分钟也不够, 挂了。 那一个傍晚, 我傻傻地抬头, 寻找任何移动的黑点, 也许那是带着妳飞的。 也许我能望向妳, 可我, 最终只能想妳。

No Truth?

One day in a classroom, students were given one mathematic question. The question was 1+1 = ? Student A: 1+1=2 Student B: 1+1=3 Student C: 1+1=0 Student D: Hmm, okay, just let me see what the rest answer. Student E: Yea, me too. Student A: 1+1 must be equals to 2 la, how can it be 3? Student B: It's logical, trust me it's 3. Student C: The world comes from nothing and when things come together, it's nothing. Student D: A, B and C could be correct too. But I believe, no one holds the absolute truth. 1+1 couldn't be 2, who knows? A, you must tolerate with B and C, because it's true for them. Student E: Everyone wants to answer the question, and I believe they all wants to answer it, I guess I'll be good. Student A: NO! of course not, it's all the while 2, from the very beginning when teacher taught us. Student B: A is a liar, don't believe him. How can 1+1 be 2? Student C: Teacher? don't be silly, there's no teacher. Student D: A, how can you insis...

What Did I Just Do?

I tried so hard to love my friends, I would risk my time, my future and my life for them. But when you pour out so much, they just pull their cups away, it's more hurtful than just saying no. When you tried every single way to pull your friends back from the pit, you realise your friend was only going down deeper. Then I doubt, am I doing the right thing? The way I want to help my friend, are they right? I always believe a friend is really a friend only if he/she would die telling you the truth and the right thing to do. I would risk my reputation and even the comfort of my own couch to do that. But, what I did, are they mistakes? I'm a human, I could be wrong, I never ever dare to claim that I have no fault, I never dare to claim I'm wisest. I would give my help, with all I can. Exactly because I'm a human, I can't be as faithful as God Himself can be, I will give up. It's hard to be disappointed by your loved ones. All I want to say, I see you as friend, I wou...

Failing in love

It's turning into obsession. Sometimes I question that little, faint light of passion for you. So much time I told myself to love, but instead it causes me more pain than pleasure. Jealousy, insecurity, uncertainty surely have their ways to strike me. Perhaps it's a mistake to fall in love with anyone. Or maybe I never learn how to love. I can't tolerate, that's not love at all. It's obsession. I expect everything from you knowing I have no right to expect anything from you, hence disappointment that I should not be feeling in the first place. You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book. (Psalm 56:8)


I dunno if it's appropriate to post this but today's topic was about Motivation. There were so many sources of motivation, but Xiao Chun made a good point, if we do not motivate ourselves, there's no way we could be motivated by anyone else. I did not quite agree at the moment when discussion was going on, because my idea was a car can never fill up its own empty tank and a car can never run on empty tank. But it was kinda true, because if we do not open up ourselves for anyone else to fill us up, there's no way we can be filled. If we remain defensive, no one could reach beneath our heart, to know what's stopping us from going forward. Our God, God of Trinity, remain in constant relationship between the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit even though He is the God Almighty, because He, as God Almighty knows clearly how important it is to be in relationship with others. As strong as God, needs a strong relationship, how much more, as mortal man would need relationsh...

Better is One Day In Your Court

Better is one day in Your Court, Than a thousand days in the riches of the wicked. Better is crawling on Your road, Than to drive on the highway of the wicked. They turn "Hallelujah" into curse, The words of their lips are crushing me. They turn Your name into ridicule, The grins of their teeth are haunting me. They speak against You and me, Like a spear pierces right through my heart. Hostile in their land, I fear, Cold and covered in darkness, I fortify, With brutality and profanity, That I may look like one of them, That I may walk on their path, That they may fear me. But that is not the road I tread, I wanna fight, On the back of Your horse, Buckled the belt of truth, Wearing the breastplate of righteousness, Shielded by faith, Salvation be my helmet, Wielding the sword of the Spirit, The Word of God, Prayer be the slash of my sword. To strike their pride, Crush their ignorance, Mute their foolishness.

Divided We Fall

Approached two elders of The Church of Jesus Christ today in the LRT. They are Mormons. Bearing the name of Christ, sharing not the Word of God. We can call ourselves Christians all we want, but who is a Christian? If we continue to allow ourselves to divide into denomination, then we allow Satan to constantly creep into our Churches. The Mormon's founder, Joseph Smith was confused by different denominations and was looking for the RIGHT church to settle down but he couldn't. Mormonism does not abide in God's Word. They have different Testament to follow, calling it the Book of Mormons. It's important to be careful of all these doctrines. Whatever gospel that contradicts the Holy Bible, is not from God. Joseph Smith is not a prophet, we need not to acknowledge that (professing that Joseph Smith is a prophet is one of the step of receiving salvation, but who died for us on the cross? How come I've never heard that I have to acknowledge that Martin Luther is the leade...
It's hard to deal with my parents, it's harder to deal with myself. I don't being accused, even if I've done wrong. I've done wrong and I admitted it, then why say it as if I did not admit? My sister do mess up my things but I've never heard them say a single thing about it, even when she did not apologize. But, I'm sorry dad (I can't tell you in the face), I could have deal with this better. It is not easy to be the eldest son, never. I hate that I am the eldest son, for some reason. I hate that I'm the one everyone puts their hope. I hate to carry these responsibility. Sometimes I feel like bursting, but I put it on with a smile. Now I broke out finally, in tears, yet not even one comforting words. God just like to put me into such tight conditions.

I miss you

Status of the Day: I miss everything about you. I miss your brows that fit your eyes so neatly, I miss your smiles that suit your lips so flawlessly, I miss your body that fits your soul so perfectly. But, of everything about you, I miss you. Dear God, You are my Lord, You are my God, You are my Creator, definitely You know me to the depth my of my heart and my soul. God, You know my desire. I desire someone intimate, who would care, who would share my bitter-sweet. My heart has that someone and You know best. You even know whether I'm lying to myself. You know this desire overflows that it's bursting forth out of my lip for out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks. [Matthew 12:34] God, You who know my heart, tell me right from wrong, tell me go or stop. She draws the line so clear, my heart tells me to draw it clear too. I've been living my life with a blur boundary, never was anyone to tell me something is right or wrong. But God, discipline me if You do love me....


Dear God, Thank you for today, another day of life that I do not deserve. Today I'm sitting at home again, not doing my revision. I feel so lazy, because knowledge just won't get into my brains. I've been playing Plant vs. Zombie, what the. Would You give me strength, wisdom, understanding and discernment? That I may focus on my revision. But I know Lord, that good result isn't by my hard work, but by Your grace and mercy. Yet, I know too that You will not let those who work hard in vain O God. I will enjoy everything You gave me, for it is Your gift, and I enjoy them with gratitude. Lord, now I'll do what I can, and I'll leave my trial results to You Lord. In Jesus' Name I pray, Amen. Ecclesiastes 3:13 "That everyone may eat and drink, and find satisfaction in all his toil—this is the gift of God."

Be Thou My Vision

Being distracted always by earthly things and earthly love, this song reminds me of what I should always focus on, God alone.

The Church and The People

If Satan could creep into the Catholic Church during the time of Reformation, tell me, isn't it possible that Satan would also has crept into the churches of Protestants? The first sign of Satan's work is division among the churches. Denominations. It has been one of my greatest question to ask and I've been wondering, why denominations? And the fact that I've learn, is that man, limited to our finite wisdom, interprets the Holy Bible differently. It has become my vision, to create an inter-denomination community in my blessed school. In fact, the inter-D atmosphere was already there even before I accepted Christ. With one respecting each other. But the question still lingers, why denominations? Division is the core and division is caused by the church itself. Whenever a stronger group of people rises, the group which has the dominant says, of course, dominates the direction of the Church. And when the minorities, to a critical point, will choose to leave and form anoth...


As flawed as I am, how do I get into Heaven? A question VK asked me. =) As flawed as I am, by the grace of God, as flawless as Jesus, that's how I know where I'm going. It's hard to understand. But can finite wisdom understand an infinite plan of God? Romans 3:28 For we maintain that a man is justified by faith apart from observing the law. But Romans 3:31 Do we, then, nullify the law by this faith? Not at all! Rather, we uphold the law.

Fragile - Handle With Care

My last post was on the 22 July, a very short one. Marched aimlessly for one month, in 6 more days is gonna be 10th KL Annual Campfire again. Tried so hard to shake off my part in this thing, but it seems when I swore to commit myself into serving 10th KL, there's no turning back for me. The only thing that held me on so far, is the brotherhood that keeps me coming back. Yet, it is the same brotherhood that fails me. I've put myself so far and so importantly, that whether people calls the year 2004 batch (the year I joined), they call it Kar Wai's batch. For certain people, well at least for me 2 years ago, it's a great pride. But pride always comes with a price, it starts to burden me. I'm not a person to give up, but I gave up on man. I gave up hope, faith and trust on fragile man like myself, who never fail to disappoint me. Or maybe it's just me, who wants control and want it my way. God, I have a confession to make, I'm not the perfec...

Long long day coming

Dear God, It will be a long, long day tomorrow. Would You give me strength I need, not only to be able to make things happen, but also to control anger and desire running wildly within me. Would You give me wisdom too, to do what pleases You than what pleases me. Help me Lord!

Simply Obey With Faith

Today my mother and I were invited to a dinner by our neighbour. After filling up my stomach, I went outside to the playground where my cousins were playing happily with the neighbour's kids. They played "Merry Go Round by Feet". Spinning happily with laughter and joy, until someone falls down they simply come near and hold them up and laugh together at it. There's is just so much joy. There were no shame of a boy holding a girl's hand, nor any despise of age and gender, all simply joy in the simple game. The instruction is simple, follow and lead each other. Huh? How do you follow, and lead at the same time? Perhaps the word "lead" does not really describe it right, perhaps holding on to each other would be a better description. Imagine this, 8 people holding each other's hand and make a circle. The game starts and there's one fellow pulling the whole circle? Where is the fun? The circle will move slow and dreadful. Imagine they all laughing and...

XEE Semester 2 Part 2

XEE Day 2 Today my bag and my body feels lighter. With my sunglasses and my MP3 Player on, joyfully I marched towards school. It seems that I've arrived earlier than I'm supposed. Checking through Karen Phang's homework [my school teacher let me check her homework, eh hehe!], William joins in the wait for door. Zi Sheng is kinda worried about his Maju Logbook due this Saturday. So many things going through my mind. Secondhand Serenade playing through my mind, my heart was burdened, but I shall remove it because this is gonna be my turning point! Enough is enough, no point crying over a person who does not wipe your tears. Instead of thinking of her, perhaps I should focus on people who will come before Jesus and let Him wipe their tears. Started off with singspiration led by Johnathan, we launched our day with the second part of the Gospel story. Dealing with sin, there's much for me to deal with. Days ago I was struggling, exactly how?! XEE tells me, "No, you can...

XEE Semester 2 Part 1

XEE day 1 Holding my Gospel Stories outline, my heart struggles. Who am I gonna encounter today? What's gonna happen? My mind blanks, with nothing about the Gospel Stories playing in my mind. The last time I shared the Gospel, was like 6 months ago. Rusted, covered by secret struggles in my heart, a heart that I cannot bear to look upon it. Have been ignoring His voice for quite some time, now I decided to heed His call to be back as a trainer this time, perhaps its another 360 degree turning point in my life. I met Shearn and Lydia, my trainees under William as facilitator. What? I'm supposed to share the full outline for the first Connect Activity [A session where we go out into the street and share the Gospel with strangers]? Shivering, a deep breath, I share the full outline with Kenny [CA Team trainee], with the outline guide in my hands. CA 1 is done, next, we need to find the next prospect for CA 2. One student from SM Confucian. William:"Hi, do you speak English?...

Post-exam Freak Out 2!!!

What's the best thing of the day?! MID-TERM EXAM ENDS!!!!! Last paper was the (screwed up) Chemistry Paper II!!! This exam? The exam that I have totally lost confidence. Not that I can't answer it, it's that I just can't feel God's presence with me this time. Perhaps I'm still running away from Him? I don't know, I just want to go home! Holiday plan? ASSASSIN'S CREED!!!!


曾几何时, 你的香味, 在我生命里, 消失了。 好怀念哦……


走过与你邂逅路, 望望左边, 空的。 我曾捉着不放, 我不会让你下车的。 可你挣脱了我的手, 开了门, 下了车, 自行走了。 我放慢了车速, 希望你会回头, 可你头也不回, 似乎忘了我们走过的路。 发觉, 你竟然走得, 比我开车还快, 而左边的坐位, 依然空着。

God's Original Masterpiece - You...

Have Not

There are plans we have not carried out, Places we have not been to, Promises we have not fulfilled, Story we have not continued... But, where'd you go?


Love is always downwards, as heard from Pn. Chong MY during one of our conversation. Always the older one to the younger one, the elder generation to the younger generation, God in Heaven to us on Earth. Despite being limited to our human form, love don't restrict us, and the power of love out match nuclear power or any form of powerful energy, for it was our of love, things were created. Despite being limited by Alzheimer's disease, grandma does not forget that her granddaughter is in hunger. Taken from Weinan's blog. Even the unbelievers know how to love, how much more shall we love one another and our enemies, my fellow brothers and sisters!


When your car starts to fail you, you'll realise how possible God is; When your nation leaders start to disappoint you, you'll realise how sovereign God is; When your nation starts to torment you, you'll realise how wonderful the Kingdom of God will be; When your love ones start to hurt you, you'll realise how faithful God is; When your strength starts to weaken you, you'll realise how strong God is; When your intelligence starts to fool you, you'll realise how wise God is; When your conscience starts to contradict you, you'll realise how just God is; When your pride starts to humiliate you, you'll realise how humble God is; When your possession starts to hunger you, you'll realise how prosperous God can provide; When your works and deeds fail to justify you, you'll realise how amazing this Grace is.

GOOD Friday

Me: “*reaching out to my bag’s side pocket* Where’s my sunglasses?” Panicked. “I think I left it in the cinema!” My mood turned 180 degree. Speechless. I just bought my new spectacles not long ago, now I lost it? She was following behind, perhaps I was walking a little too fast. “Let’s go check it out at CyberCafe, perhaps I left it there before going into the cinema.” Praying: “God, please help me find my specs back please.” Disappointment in return. Detour to cinema. “May I see your manager please? I left my specs in your cinema I think.” “Please talk to the steward whether he can help you out.” “I’m sorry, the movie has already started, let me check with the janitor.” “No, we found nothing that resembles a spectacle box.” “Please let me in, I’ll check for myself please.” “Okay!” I came back out empty-handed. Praying: “O God, please!” Calling Ben: “Ben, where are you?” “First floor.” “Eh, I lost  my specs in a box.” “You need help?” “Can help me check Macdo...

Post-exam Freak Out!

LOL, I don't know how many more freak out I have to go through. I know there are three more to go this year. It was totally a relief the moment I finish writing craps on my Economy paper and the moment teacher announced "Masa sudah tamat!" Yes! The moment I've been waiting for! I've never went through exams like this. People who knows me long enough know that I don't often have my textbook in my hands, not even before exams. But Form 6 has really taken me to a whole new level, I know I have to take this seriously right now. I might seem over-calm and over-relax when facing my exams. It's not to show that I'm very smart and intelligent, did not mean it that way all the while. Few reasons why I do that. I need to be really calm and relax that my mind can be flexible enough to harvest whatever is in my brain and answer those questions. I want to calm the rest as well. (Which I think it goes the wrong way, haha!) No ...

When You While When I

You kept me standing when I'm falling, You kept me walking when I'm straying, You kept me holding when I'm losing, You kept me sane when I'm not so sane. You struck me down when I exalted myself, You held me back when I'm going by myself, You humiliated me when I prided myself, You destructed me when I'm building myself. You stretched Your arms and hugs me well, Your mighty hands is where I dwell, Your life will I witness to tell, Your death so will I not sent to hell. Was I still a sinner, You died for me. (Romans 5:8) You ransomed my soul, Yours forever will be.


In the times of trouble, I hope I can be like Job, keep singing Him praise! He kept me strong and His grace is enough! How I can keep from singing Your praise LORD! There is an endless song Echoes in my soul I hear the music ring And though the storms may come I am holding on To the rock I cling How can I keep from singing Your praise How can I ever say enough How amazing is Your love How can I keep from shouting Your name I know I am loved by the King And it makes my heart want to sing I will lift my eyes In the darkest night For I know my Savior lives And I will walk with You Knowing You'll see me through And sing the songs You give How can I keep from singing your praise? How can I ever say enough, how amazing is your love? How can I keep from shouting your name? I know I am loved by the king, and it makes my heart want to sing I can sing in the troubled times Sing when I win I can sing when I lose my step And fall down again I can sing 'cause You pick me up Sing 'cause...

Hands in My Pockets

Breeze blew by, Your fragrant hair smooth as silk, Swiped by my sweaty cheek. We walked by, Of laughter, Of jokes, I thought we were happy. I was longing, But my hands are in my pocket, It makes no difference, With you walking by my side...

Heavenly Disconnected

We were all happily chit-chatting (or yelling) at grandma’s house. My second aunt suggested that we go to one of her cousin’s house to visit them but unfortunately the cousin wasn’t at home so we had to cancel it. Then I suggested to visit my youngest aunt’s house with the urge to play some mahjong. My intention was to play only, I did not intend to involve money. We drove there in 3 separate cars with me fetching my sister only. As we reached there we got everything ready, the mahjong table, chairs and of course, the mahjong. I couldn’t wait for my elder cousin to come and join me for a 3-Players Cantonese Mahjong. Just to make it fun, I (while being a Christian) suggested to involve money. This is where the problem starts. I feel pride arise. Holy Spirit was prompting me not to play with money, in fact, the mahjong at all. But I ignored it on purpose but seek selfish desire for pleasure and greed. I won around RM10 with starting fund RM13. But I also get the sense of guilt....

Happy Chinese New Year!!!

HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR!!! The Chinese part of me is working up for angpao! XP... God has taken me to a whole new level of experience of love , peace and power ! Happy CNY and have a prosperous and blessed year!

Prayer Answerer

I went through a spiritual stagnant for the pass few months. No sharing of Gospel, no spiritual venture, no prayer, no reading of scripture. You know, I just feel...lazy. I thought prayer would not work anymore, sin has always been the thing that brought me up and down. But God is that faithful, that He answered all my prayers in just one day! (Except for the girlfriend one.) I prayed that my faith would be strengthen , my walk with Him will be more exciting , the Holy Spirit will give me power that He promised , that He will give me authority , that I will have success in glorifying His name , that the CF convention will be a success , that He will feed us enough during the CF convention , that I will have enough money to pay for both CF convention and Chinese Culture Christlike Living Semina r . In just one day, God showed "5 loaves 2 fish" right in front of my eyes . He gave me to power to speak boldly. He revealed to me that I already have the power of the Holy Spirit as...

For Auld Lang Syne, Kwai Chong

Farewell Liu Kwai Chong, if God wills, we shall meet again. Thank you for everything you brought me. (My tribute to Kwai Chong on MBSLoop) Sadly I lost the memory of my first meeting with him. Since everyone tell good things about him, let me tell you what not-so-good things he taught me. He's bad. He smokes in front of the youngster, and takes out another cigarette when you tell him not to. (See the attached picture) He's bad. He scared the heck out of me with his ghost stories during Karak Observation Camp in 2005. I did not dare to pee alone at that raining night. He's bad. He made me carry heavy stuffs and carry out heavy duty all the time. His favourite:" AH Mock Kar Wai ah, lei hui bong ngor (You Go Help Me) ..." made me hard to refuse to help. He's bad. He made me stand in front of everyone and talk even though I don't want it. It's so embarassing standing in front of everyone with my broken language. Worse, he asked me to sing and teach people ...

Some Heart Review

Well, just finished my homework. Not really, but at least my Maths T Probability, because it's a topic I love! Browsing blogs, visiting blogs I often visit but not for the past few weeks. Read Josaiya's and Abby's blog. Haih...all I could do was sighing. I felt so...indescribable but at the same time, I'm glad that we're not meant to be. It's a comfort to see Josaiya loves her so so so much, way better than I could have given her. It's a comfort to see her happily and loved. It's a least my tears are warm...

Midst of Persecution

I'm sure you guys already heard what happened to Metro Tablenacle. Just for the record, it was firebombed and set on fire by a group of unknown youth then later another attempt on Catholic Church of Assumption in PJ. The internet, the newspaper and the TV news are bombarding this. My fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, take courage and pray! We're in the midst of persecution here, but fear not, for Christ our LORD is with us. He said :" Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you , that you may be sons of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. " [Matthew 5:44-45] Let us pray for their forgiveness and for our own. Judge not, that your Father in Heaven will not judge you. Watch, guard, persevere and pray! Christ our LORD is coming! You are seeing the signs!

2010 Against Me? No Big Deal With God!

=) 4th day of 2010, only then I tell you about my another year, haha! Though one year has passed since the last poem I wrote for her, yet she's the one I missed the most. Yea, she's doing great! Way better without me! It's 2010, yet I still seemed to be living in 2008. 2009 was like living in self-deception, other than the part with Christ Jesus. She's the one I love most, and it remained that way. Haha, Joash, let's get movin'! A great year ahead! STPM is coming, but Joash is still loitering blindly not knowing where he's going. Pray along, that he will not lost in the midst of his confusion. Hey Jude! It's time to come back I guess! CBC misses you! LOADS!!! Here I come 2010, you aren't a big deal for me. If God is for me, who is against me?! [Romans 8:31]

One Thing You Lack

Perhaps many of us are not atheist, they do believe in god, sometimes/most of the time, gods. Some claimed to have followed a righteous way of life. Consider this, you did not kill, you did not steal, you did not rob, you did not rape, done nothing really wrong. You did everything a good man does, but one day God came to you and told you that you can't inherit Heaven, what would happen to you? In Jesus' time, there was a rich young man who came to Jesus and asked the question many would ask:"what must I do to inherit eternal life?" [Mark 10:17]. Jesus told him:"You know the commandments: ' Do not murder , do not commit adultery , do not steal , do not give false testimony , do not defraud , honor your father and mother .'" [Mark 10:18] This rich young man replied:"all these I have kept since I was a boy." [Mark 10:20] At this point, many would think Jesus' reply would be:" Well, you will indeed inherit eternal life!", just as...