
I dunno if it's appropriate to post this but today's topic was about Motivation.

There were so many sources of motivation, but Xiao Chun made a good point, if we do not motivate ourselves, there's no way we could be motivated by anyone else.

I did not quite agree at the moment when discussion was going on, because my idea was a car can never fill up its own empty tank and a car can never run on empty tank.

But it was kinda true, because if we do not open up ourselves for anyone else to fill us up, there's no way we can be filled. If we remain defensive, no one could reach beneath our heart, to know what's stopping us from going forward.

Our God, God of Trinity, remain in constant relationship between the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit even though He is the God Almighty, because He, as God Almighty knows clearly how important it is to be in relationship with others. As strong as God, needs a strong relationship, how much more, as mortal man would need relationship to keep us going?

Mutual encouragement, unity is all we need living in this world. My father used to tell me, "No one cannot live without anyone." Which I, to a certain point, disagree with him. God made us all unique, hence each of us is born with different ability and possibility. And when people of different ability comes together, we can be great and mighty, creating possibility, under God.

That is why I always hate competition, because there's no way we can compare an apple to an orange. We can't even compare one apple to another apple, because God's creation is simply unique (knowing that God knows every single creature to their most fundamental unit). Standard can be set to compare, but who defines what's good and what's bad? Dennis showed me two books yesterday in Chillz, both by the same author, one writing about boys and another, girls. Dennis was giggling that the book about boys was thicker than about girls, he jokingly called it sexist. Out of a slight annoyance, I blurted, "Does thick means good?" *Laughter*

Let us open up ourselves, to people we trust most, that we may go intimate as our God of Trinity. Because we need to be in constant relationship with others, just as how God saw the need for Adam to have Eve. If we simply can live as an island, God would only need to create Adam in the first place. =)

See how caring our God is. =)

Be motivated, for our God is near! And may His kingdom come.


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