3 Wishes

Last night, I watched "Aladdin" on Disney Channel with my little cousin. (I put "with my little cousin" just to give myself an excuse to watch cartoons, haha!) I guess most of you watched "Aladdin" before. Frankly, I was a big fan of "Aladdin" since I was young. Especially the love songs and the magics that the Genie does.

It was all about the fun watching it when I was young, but it all get so different when I have grown up. You know, as our mental begins to develop to be more mature, somehow fairy tales might give you more values than you get when you were young, no matter good or bad.

I ask you a question, don't talk about Genie, God is more powerful than he is, if you are granted 3 wishes, what will it be?

Most answers are, unlimited riches, hot wives and concubines, world peace, good health, no evil in the world (and three more wishes, haha!). Wishes are wishes, I can't judge whether these wishes are good or bad, only God can.

I asked myself this question a several time, thinking which wishes of mine is the best. Then I said, a place in Heaven. I thought I had a wish, but it wasn't after all. I thought about it a several times, one conclusion: I wasted a wish.

Why would you wish for something given to you for free?! God gave us His Son, had Him died on the cross and raised from the dead, by this way, we are offered a place in Heaven as long as we believe in Jesus, turn to Jesus and surrender ourselves to Jesus.

All these are prepared so you would come and turn to Jesus. I don't even have to risk my life into that mystic cave, grab hold of that magic lamp and take some effort to rub the lamp! All I need to do is just:"Believe in Jesus and say sorry to Him!"

You choose, to risk your life for that "Magic Lamp", which might cost your life, or simply believe in Jesus, who will grant you life for eternity.


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