SWEEP Day 9: Is There Hope?

Uncle Richard and Kenny
Micha 6:6-8 speaks to the hearts of those with privilege. While abundance of sacrifice may reflect a false sense of holiness, it is rather justice, love, mercy and humility that God is seeking in us. Our obedience and righteousness worth far more than millions of sacrifice.

Today's topic was Understanding Juvenile. Uncle Richard was here to introduce Sekolah Tunas Bakti (STB). STB is a school for juvenile. The students are sent to the school only under the Court's order for minor offences such as stealing, robbing, drug abuse and etc. The school provides a way for these children to turn over a new leaf and offers them protection. There were 52 students uner the care and ministry of Uncle Richard. All praises to God, 4 students left about a week ago. After explaining some do's and don'ts, we took off to our destination. STB provides education for those who has not registered for formal schooling while existing students go to normal school but return to STB after school instead of their homes. Uncle Richard plays his part as a minister and counselor to the student in Christian faith.
Sekolah Tunas Bakti
From the outside, it looks exactly like any other schools. The students were excited to see us. There was a moment of unrest as we marched into the school. But order was restored when they were commanded to line up, military style. Whao, back when I was in high school, asking me to line up was already a task I'd take forever to do, while these students do it military style on a daily basis. Shame on me.

A short reminder of the school's rules and regulation regarding visitors and activities. We are not allowed to take and publish photos of the students, lest their former enemy may find out where they are and seek them out for trouble. This is why I cannot publish any photo of their faces here.

Peter sharing with students
We started with a time of worship before Peter began a time of sharing. Peter encouraged them to remain hopeful because God is with them. We also had some games together, where we saw the students actively participated in the games. This is when I began to realise, these students if given a better environment, wouldn't choose to be here. They are just as any youth: passionate, active but perhaps rash and immature. I'm glad this school became a second chance for them, but then again it isn't exactly as comfortable as I had.

One student caught my attention. He has a strong build that looks tough as a unmovable rock. On his right arm is a tattoo, apparently a symbol of his former gang. He gives an intimidating aura yet in his eyes I saw gentleness. He was involved in a minor robbery with his gang and ended up here. It took me a while to finally get into deeper conversation with him. As we began to build trust, he shared something that broke my heart completely. I cannot mention his name, but I shall refer to him as "Batu".

Batu was one of the top students in class. He excelled academically. Unfortunately, he got involved with bad company and gang. That is how a bright and hopeful student like Batu ended up in a place of hopelessness: poverty. I saw a glimpse of admiration and aspiration the way he looked at me. He asked if I am a university student. I said yes. He wanted to find out how he can become a university graduate too. He wants to be someone, someday too. At time I saw nothing but a gloomy future. I asked myself: how can I answer that question? I had been given edges and advantages that Batu would never have. I had a smooth, well-planned path of education laid out for me. I walked on a highway that Batu can never dream to tread on. I told him honestly I do not know. As I encouraged him to be hopeful, I couldn't believe in the words I uttered. I saw nothing but hopelessness and despair. It breaks my heart. Is there hope for my friend Batu? I wish I could tell him.

What am I going to do with all the advantages given to me? To enrich myself? What about the hopeless? How can I be of hope to them? Lord Jesus, how can I be a blessing to them? These questions stayed with me.
Busking team practice
Placard team
Tomorrow will be our HIV/AIDS campaign at Riverside Mall. There are much to prepare. I was assigned to the busking team. We sat down and practiced many songs that we hoped to inspire our crowds. Meanwhile, the other team was busy preparing placards and decorations for the booth tomorrow. It was busy but a fun time together.

I am excited for tomorrow. Finally I can put my ukulele to good use. I can't wait for the unexpected.
Group photo at STB
God's Character, My Encounter.



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