SWEEP Day 7: One at a Time

Su resting and having fun.

Different from devotions from morning before, Peter shared the song "God of Justice" by Tim Hughes. The song sings "Keep us from just singing, move us into action." Just as what Ps. Darren Tan shared last night, too many churches are too focused on building the church, we are not sending people out; we focused too much on bigger sound system, bigger screen, we forget to reach the bigger community. Therefore, "we must go!"

I was surprised to see Su in a relaxed manner today. Perhaps because we were again delayed by some detours, it just never get earlier. Su told us that there were nothing much left to do. The girls began planting some chili while the guys continued to set the compost in place. The watering system worked well as we planned. We made more compost today and bagged them accordingly. In order to keep the sunlight from killing the chili, we took some fern and set some shades for them.
The girls are planting the chili.
The guys working to make more compost.
I spent some time photographing the nature. I brought my macro lens which served great as I enjoy looking into the miniature world. I took a photo of a dandelion. It means much to me because it signifies spiritual growth and missions. Just as a dandelion would grow and one day be sent out to all corners of the world to grow more dandelions, I want to make disciples of all nations. I also found a millipede. It was difficult to take a picture of moving objects in macro mode, so I took a video instead.
A blooming dandelion.
Thousand-legged worm: millipede

The villagers cooked for us again. This time, they made some tempoyak. It's basically fermented durian. It was fried with chili and that awesome smell of durian was irresistable. I tried but I didn't like it so much. The flavor was debatable.

We traveled to the corn farm that Su had been talking about. It's a pity to see the corns were smaller than what we normally see. While the plantation was set up by Su for the native, they refused to take up ownership and take care of the plants. This is the result. Su felt disappointed, but not discouraged.

This time, was proper goodbye. We thanked him on the phone and we invited him to come for our closing ceremony. It's hard to say goodbye, after all, we have achieved so much together. Fadricks wanted to do more. He found the work fun and fulfilling for him. I suggested that he should perhaps gather like-minded friends and help him out over the weekends of his study, since his campus is near to where the farm is. GJ even offered to give him a ride whenever he wants to go.
At the corn farm!
This evening we played Captain Ball again. It was again a refreshing time after a day of labour. I hurt myself a little in the game but we all had fun. Kenny was a bit competitive and some of the girls tried so hard to be a part of the game.
Perfect timing. JUMP!
Cikgu Siu Moi
I think having Teacher Siu Moi with us tonight moved all of us in a very special way. As the head mistress of D'Wira (an education center for poor children, one of the attachment organisation), she is a lady with a heart of gentleness, love and compassion. She shared her work with education for underprivileged children. Her sharing opened our eyes to see children that come from broken home with physical, mental and emotional scars and wounds. Her compassion for these children continues to drive her. She also shared many stories of her unexpected encounter with people in need. She always ask herself: what would I do if these are my children?

Her sharing stirred much emotion in me. My heart struggles because the Bible commands us to cloth the poor, feed the hungry, give water to the thirsty and visit the sick and the imprisoned, yet I feel a strong sense of unwillingness and I know not where to start. Teacher Siu Moi responded that she did not know what to do in the beginning too, so she started with prayers by asking God what to do. Along the way, God leads and provides. Her husband added that God uses us with what we have on our hands, so begin with what we have on our hands. Hui Zhie took the opportunity to share her struggle as a medical student in a hospital. As she attends to patients that demands her constantly, it gets harder everyday to treat them with love, so can she continue to show her love. Teacher replied: "One at a time."
Post-session group photo
ONE AT A TIME. I guess sometimes we all do have the intentions to do good, but somehow the thought of commitments frightens us and stops us. I think from today on, there is much heart-changing that needs to be done. I think from today onwardsThat can only be done by God Himself, so Lord, give me Your heart for people and transform my life to reflect Yours!
A proper goodbye.
God's Character, My Encounter.


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