I'm busy...

I used to tell people that I'm busy, no free time. But when I actually sit down and manage my time properly, I realize I actually have time!

Where did all these time go missing?! This very moment typing this and messaging one beautiful lady on my phone, time went missing bit by bit. If I accumulate all these time, I realize so much of precious sleeping time drained away!

Why did my world turn upside down for the past few weeks? I found out that the source of the problem is procrastination. Everything that requires my immediate attention and need me to do on that day itself (for example, MATHS), I tend to push it to tomorrow (especially when MATHS homework is collected after every chapter). And when all works push until the very last day, I could not complete them! And all went hair-wired when scout activities, chapel committee, camps, overnights, ball, church came and gave me a hard strike once and for all! I was totally defeated!

Father, I can't bear to procrastinate anymore. Help my weakness, help me to overcome laziness, help me to overcome procrastination. Help me to manage my time, so I may have time for You and myself, so that I may devote my time in serving You! Father, I'm sorry that I've been stagnant, forgive me! Help those who are struggling too my LORD, help them to overcome their own hardship, and let them learn the lesson that You teaches us LORD. In Your Son's precious blood and name I pray, Amen!


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