Fool's Equation

Let God = G, Science = S, Art = A, World = W, Human = H, Resources = R = W, Good = g and Evil = e

G x S x A = W, Where G = 1 because God always exist.

When W> 0, g> e
When W< 0, g< e

When S< 0, A< 0, W> 0 because Evil has became the standard of the world.

R = W because resources are created by God using Science and Art and they are of the world.
R is directly proportional to H and R is needed to sustain H.

Therefore R = kH, where k = constant
Because God blesses humans abundantly, therefore k>1

This equation explains the disasters with mass loss of life. Resources are insufficient to support human, therefore when R is lowered, so does H.

The above is all crap and is not inspired by God but merely human's intelligence (ME!)


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