
Showing posts from September, 2015

Counting Blessings

It's been 3 weeks now and I thank God, the wait is over. I have been hired at Bose Systems Malaysia as Industrial/BPS Engineer this morning and shall commence my service by 5 October 2015 . It had been a short journey of learning humility, patience, and more importantly, about my weaknesses. There were much pain, but the blessings were more. So here I am to count it, because my Lord God is gracious. My parents have been my greatest support in my hard times. My mother who has always been understanding. No one understood how depressing I felt like she does. She offered no comment nor opinion that would only make it harder for me. She never failed to comfort and to provide. My father , even though at times teased me, had not forsaken me. He continued to provide for me and did not hesitate to give me the best. Pastor Matthew who did not cease to "suck" me over to Penang with his persistent prayers. Kept asking me for updates like every 2 days. He had been a friend ...


久违的雨, 你的造访可真张扬, 总少不了你那宏亮的宣嚷! 可你的到来 却为大地带来了清新的洗涤, 吓跑那让人丧气的烟霾, 好让希望把我低下的头抬起, 也有看见黎明的一天。 孕育我的祂, 我还在等着呢! 等着祢亲手把我的日出, 抬起! 仰望吧!我是希望的子女! 在黎明来临之前, 别让眼睛忘了 祂的荣耀!

Back to Square One

I thought I would be asleep by now. Sleeping for less than 6 hours, out in the morning, lots of walking and driving, and only returning home at 12am. I should be exhausted, but my mind is just occupied. Things just won't go the way I always want it too. It hardly ever do. The door to work in Bose is basically closed. And now here I am back to square one. It's scary, because I am confused. I wish God would break open the Heaven and tell me His plans for me. But His plans are too great for my comprehension. I am scared because I don't even know what I want. And the scariest thing, is to listen to people telling me what I want. So now, where do I proceed from here, O my Lord God Almighty? Speak to me, and here I am waiting to listen. All I ask now, O Lord, is peace that surpasses all understanding, that I may rest tonight. God's Character, My Encounter.

Abraham, Father of a Nation of Priest

The Lord said, “Shall I hide from Abraham what I am about to do, seeing that Abraham shall surely become a great and mighty nation, and all the nations of the earth shall be blessed in him? For I have chosen him, that he may command his children and his household after him to keep the way of the Lord by doing righteousness and justice, so that the Lord may bring to Abraham what he has promised him. Genesis 18:17-19 The LORD visited Abraham and had lunch with him. After telling Sarah what she needed to know, He set out for His next task: deciding the future of Sodom and Gomorrah. A very grave judgement was about to come upon the wicked cities. Yet, the all-knowing Judge of the Earth stopped for a very strange gesture. The LORD was contemplating: Should Abraham know what I am about to do? The judgement for the cities were about to be severe. Lives were at stakes here. But what God was really doing here was to see the response of Abraham in the light of what was about to happen. Th...

The Rebuilding Potter of My Life

Two weeks ago, Gabriel begged me to take a break. As usual, FES staff will always ask you to reflect. I was asked to look back to my past 4 years of university life and give a name to the journey. And of course, this one cannot miss: the name of God. So I took some time to look back, to reflect and to ponder. I named my journey "A Journey of Breaking, Molding, and Rebuilding" . As I enter my university life as a freshman, I revolved my worth and my life around the things that I do: my involvement in CF and in campus, my effort to bring Ultimate Frisbee and etc. The journey led me to my first mission trip which sparked my passion for evangelism and mission. Camp Cameron 2012 brought new meaning to my Christian life. The beginning of my service as FEMS Coordinator in my 2nd Year brought me enormous joy, at the same time God was holding me through a journey of humility. STOMP Timor Leste broke down all my confidence in the things I do and opened my eyes to my incapability i...

Imagine There is Love

A few nights ago, I was having a drink with my besties. Inevitably, our conversation led us to the upcoming 916 Red Shirt Rally. He remarked something that I have heard from my dad several years ago: only Buddhism is the only religion that is never in dispute or conflict with any other religion. But is that true? So I set out to find out if that is true. With the help of Google, two incidents was enough to break this myth. Here's what I found: 2012 Rakhine State Riot between Rakhine Buddhists and Rohingya Muslim in Burma Source: 2013 Burma Anti-Muslim Riot led by majority Buddhists Source: Buddhist-Muslim conflict in Sri Lanka Source:

Conviction in Things Not Seen

Now the LORD said to Abram, “Go from your country and your kindred and your father’s house to the land that I will show you. And I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and him who dishonors you I will curse, and in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”  Genesis 12:1-3 Then the LORD appeared to Abram and said, “To your offspring I will give this land.”  Genesis 12:7 The call of Abram started with a promise that God will make Abram into a NATION. It was a promise of OFFSPRING at the time when Abram was 75 years old and still childless. Although, it was still hopeful. Sarai, his wife was 65 years old. So Abram started his journey as a nomad in faith, knowing that the LORD who appeared to him had promised him great thing. As time goes by, it seems less likely than ever. And one day, the LORD reassured Abram of the promise He made to Abram. And ...

How Much Longer

Lord, You are the God of Heaven, and here I am on earth, so I'll let my words be few. How much longer? How much longer do I have to wait? I'm getting restless and I'm getting impatient. All those pressing comments and all those concerned voices, I wish they would just shut up. People simply do not understand. It is never my desire to be idle. I wish I can earn my own living too. People seems to think I enjoy being unproductive; lazing around as I eat off what little savings I have. I wish they could stop telling me what to do, even though I know they were out of loving concerns. I know what to do, but it's all waiting now. Why don't people understand: waiting is not necessarily something bad. Must I be constantly doing something or contributing something, otherwise there is no place for my existence? I wish I could sleep off those waiting time, but only to be awaken by dad's name calling: Rice Bug. Figuratively, he's making fun of me for eat...

Stop Fighting!

I know this sounds scary but I think I had a depression during Camp Cam 15, so bad that I was emotionally crushed. THE EXPERIENCE: I must admit that that was not the first time. It happened many times before, but I somehow had my ways of shutting it off. It was particularly scary because I heard phantom voices that I know didn't exist. It was all in my head. These voices are constantly accusing me: Why are you so weak? Why are you so fickle minded? Why are you not doing anything, you lazy fella? Why are you so clumsy and stupid? Look at other people, they can play guitar better than you, sing better than you, smarter than you, why do you even think that anyone would like you? etc. Every time I look at someone, I can actually hear that someone is accusing me of something: why is he so weird? Joash is giving me trouble again. A part of me consciously know that it isn't real and true, but a bigger part of me actually believe that that's what other people thi...