Sprinting That Extra Meters

Haha, it's a already Day 2 since my 2nd semester started, it's also my 2nd day trying to fulfill my resolution to jog in campus. I had to compromise a little from jogging around the campus to cumulative 1.2km on the jogging track in campus. I feel it's safer to jog without having to avoid cars.

This is how I do my daily jogging. First I will not bring any electronic device, water nor my wallet, and walk all the way to the jogging track. In the mean time, I'll do some stretching. Once on the track, I'll jog 800m, which is 2 rounds of the track, then slow down to a 400m walk to catch my breath. After completing the walk, I'll start to jog for another 400m before heading back to my hostel and call it a day. At the end of each separate jogs, I will sprint for roughly 50m to train my sprinting ability after a long run.

I do this because I realized I'M FAT! I also would like to bring back my stamina to perform better in Ultimate. I don't have the stamina to keep up and all the sprints around the pitch.

So the challenges are these: To keep doing this for a long time. It's only day 2 and I felt reluctant to do it, but God has always been my drive to do it.

Then, to control my breathing while jogging. I often lost control of my breathing, causing my stamina to drain faster and then affect the rest of my game.

But the real challenge is really the end-of-jog sprints. I'm already dead tired after running 2 rounds, can't catch up my breath, my body refuses to do this, but my mind tells me I have to do this. It's really a struggle between mind and the body.

Reminds me of Jesus's teaching about going that extra mile:
"If anyone forces you to go one mile, go with them two miles." Matthew 5:41
This isn't exactly easy right? 800m is already hard enough for me, now that I have to go faster to do it. It's like killing every cell of me, just to give someone something they don't deserve.

You know what, the moment I reach the maker and starts sprinting, it hurts every inch of my bones and muscles, but I know I have to do it, and I'm doing it for God empowers me to do. Feel the AWESOME moment when you reach the end of the round. Although having a hard time to breath, I know I did it, and I love it. I want to do it again.

Until I regret making the decision to run another 400m, hahaha!

You know, being able to give is a blessing, but being able to give gracefully is a joy plus blessing!


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