We Need It

Genesis 2:18
The LORD God said, “It is not good for the man to be ALONE. I will make a helper suitable for him.”

Do you realise how much we need to have fellowship with each other? We are "engineered" to constantly look for relationship with one another. That's why you often see emo status from me, LOL.

Jokes aside, there's one relationship we have to make right with, and all the rest will come into perspective. Unless we fix this ONE relationship, we will never have any right relationship.

As broken as this world is, so is our relationship. Whether friendship, romance, family or even discipleship. We often feel hurt, betrayed and disappointed. Does that mean that is no hope, no love and I shall have no faith?

And so we choose to run, to avoid, to hide. We fortify ourselves, not letting anyone in, so that no one can hurt us anymore. However, things just don't turn out as we expected. We grew weary watching against anyone who would come and hurt us. Why can't we get just ONE relationship right?

I don't think we are looking at the vital relationship to fix but fix those relatively unimportant ones. God saw that need for us to have relationships, He gave Adam, Eve. Don't you think God also see that need in us to have THE relationship far more important than anything else? He did, and so He gave up His own life to mend that relationship. Unless we have that relationship amended and be reconciled with Him, none of our other relationship can be right.

Don't you see why? If we can't love a God Who is almighty, loving, just, graceful, merciful, beautiful, fearsome, awesome, powerful, tireless, eternal, unending, capable, dependable, trustworthy, faithful, strong, wise, intelligent, gentle, firm, peaceful, well-known, kind, slow to anger, steadfast, creative (and the list goes on), do we expect ourselves to love another fallen man who is capable of being weak, fragile, disgusting, unloving, unbearable, dishonest, greedy, unjust, merciless, violent, volatile, ugly, powerless, limited, incapable, undependable, tricky, untrustworthy, unfaithful, foolish, proud, harsh, deadly, broken, hot-headed, quick to anger, quick to judge, evil (and the list goes on as I refuse to make myself look any worse.)?

Shatter is our relationships, broken is our souls, but God loves us like crazily and wants to fix that relationship so badly that He put His own life in our hands and let Himself be nailed to the tree. Loves us to the extend that death could not hold Him. Loves us to the extend that we may not perish!

Get that relationship right first, otherwise, stop dreaming about fixing the rest! Cause when you find God's love, no matter how much people hurt you, you'll consider it PURE JOY! and yes, pure JOY!

Dedicated to my greatest joy and sorrow, Joy Yoong.


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