No Truth?
One day in a classroom, students were given one mathematic question. The question was 1+1 = ? Student A: 1+1=2 Student B: 1+1=3 Student C: 1+1=0 Student D: Hmm, okay, just let me see what the rest answer. Student E: Yea, me too. Student A: 1+1 must be equals to 2 la, how can it be 3? Student B: It's logical, trust me it's 3. Student C: The world comes from nothing and when things come together, it's nothing. Student D: A, B and C could be correct too. But I believe, no one holds the absolute truth. 1+1 couldn't be 2, who knows? A, you must tolerate with B and C, because it's true for them. Student E: Everyone wants to answer the question, and I believe they all wants to answer it, I guess I'll be good. Student A: NO! of course not, it's all the while 2, from the very beginning when teacher taught us. Student B: A is a liar, don't believe him. How can 1+1 be 2? Student C: Teacher? don't be silly, there's no teacher. Student D: A, how can you insis...