Yo, Interview!
Phew! What a hard time! At last I've tasted what a real job interview is. It's totally different! I was literally silent all during the interview! What?! How can a talkative idoit like me be silent at moments like this! Well, the interviewer was a pretty woman, Bell is her name. Well don't be deceived, she's pretty smart, when I say pretty smart, I mean pretty and smart! The company is actually a child education center. Somehow their technique is different, they focus on the so-called midbrain activation and development. Any children aged 6-15 go for their courses can literally see blindfolded! CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS?! They use their midbrain to see! Well probably this is something that we normal people can't understand right?! Most human uses their left brain rather than the right brain, that's why we are too logical, we can't accept the fact that they can see blindfolded. According to Bell, our midbrain is hibernating, by going their courses, we can actu...