
Imagine that one day, our souls can be transferred into a machine made of steels. It keeps you safe from accidents, impacts and gunshots. Your body damaged? Just change another body! You can be anyone you want to be. You can be a hot girl with big boobs, or a tough masculine guy with six packs, even when you’re a big fat obese patient.

You can feel, you can touch, but you wont feel pain, just plain pleasure. How much do you want a life like that?

Surrogates tells you all about this kinda life. Not satisfied with what God has given you? You don’t want to be

“Cursed is the ground because of you;
       through painful toil you will eat of it
       all the days of your life.” [Genesis 3:17]

nor you want

“By the sweat of your brow
       you will eat your food
       until you return to the ground,
       since from it you were taken;
       for dust you are
       and to dust you will return.” [Genesis 3:19]

? Get a surrogate!

This is exactly what will happen when you don’t live life with thanksgiving. Watch this!



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