Give Me Life In Thy Way

O Lord God Almighty,
Give me life in Thy way.

Give me a spirit that is poor,
That I may rely on Thee,
And may I inherit the Kingdom of Heaven.

Give me a heart to mourn,
THat my heart may be broken for pain and injustice,
And may I be comforted in Thy embrace.

Give me a life that is meek,
That I may be gentle and compassionate to others,
And may I inherit the earth Thou created.

Give me a thirst for Thy word and a hunger for Thy righteousness,
That I may walk upright in Thy golden pathway,
And may I be satisfied in Thee my Provider.

Give me a capacity for mercy,
That I may forgive and forget transgressions against me,
And may I be forgiven in my sins against Thee.

Give me a heart that is pure,
That I may not set my eyes on vanities,
And may I see Thy glory with blazing sight.

Give me the power to make peace,
That I may live in peace in the land of hostility,
And may I be called Thy son by Thy sweet voice.

Give me righteousness and strength in the midst of persecution,
That I may stand firm in my scorns and sufferings,
And may I rule along Thy side in Thy kingdom.

Give me blessings when I am scorned, accused and killed for Thy sake,
That I may rejoice and be glad to share the fate of the prophets,
And may I be greatly rewarded in Heaven.

Give me a body that is saltiest of all saltiness,
That I may do good to the world and not lose my worth,
And may I not be thrown out or trampled by men.

Give me a light that is glorious,
That I may be a city on Zion,
And may I not be overcame by darkness.

Father, let my light shine before men,
That they may see Thy good works,
And may they praise Thee in Heaven.

Joash Mock Kar Wai
15 July 2012 Camp Cameron
Audited 3 September 2012


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