Non-logical Love
I just bought a book from some charity book fair held in Leisure Mall. Here’s a quote I would like to share. “Here is the true meaning and purpose of the cross. On it a divinely ordained exchange took place. First, Jesus endured in our place all the evil consequences that were due by divine justice to our iniquity. Now in exchange, God offers us all the good that was due to the sinless obedience of Jesus. Stated more briefly, the evil due to us came upon Jesus, that, in return, the good due to Jesus might be offered to us. God is able to offer this to us without compromising His own eternal justice , because Jesus has already endured on our behalf all the just punishment due to out iniquities. All of this proceeds solely out of the unfathomable grace of God, and it is received solely by faith . There is no logical explanation in terms of cause and effect . None of us has ever done anything to deserve such an offer, and none of us can ever do anything to earn it .” Derek