Man Created God or God Created Man?

So did man created God or God created man? This is a similar question to egg first or chicken first?

Man created the word that spells GOD, referring the "thing" which they believe created the world and man. There are actually 4 bibles in Abrahamic Religions, which Al-Quran and the Holy Bible (the other two will be Tanakh [Hebrew Bible] and *unknown because I still can't find any confirmed information yet*) are the most common one we know, but there are a lot of conflicts that exist in both bible. However, there is one thing that both bible agree, the God created man.

Genesis 1:27

"So God created man in his own image,
in the image of God he created him;
male and female he created them."

But many believe that man actually created the concept of God and this concept is injected into every human and many started to believe in that concept, but the concept is like a theory, concept that based on no proof (there are many proofs actually, but they are still based on personal point of view, if you get what I mean.) like Darwin's theory, String theory, Parallel Universe. Yet people who hold strong in what they believe is true tries very hard to prove themselves right.

I'm not trying to prove that God does not exist. Read this from another point of view, can't you see how faith work? By faith, people believe that Parallel Universe exists; by faith, God created the world; by faith, God is still alive; by faith, Evolution is God.

God exists! By my faith, He is alive and He sent His one and only Son to die for us on the cross and He raised Jesus from death. There is no proof that I'm right other than what the Holy Bible says, but there is a hope for me, and I'm hoping that I did not make a mistake; No, it's not a mistake at all.

Why bother egg first or chicken first? They will be in my stomach anyway, haha!

Stay strong in what you believe and have hope in it, but in the mean time, open your heart and ears to others. No one is right except God Himself who watch everything from the very beginning. Don't be an extremist, or else you shall see what happens between Israel and Palestine happening before your very eyes.


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