#NoDistractionChallenge! Week 3

Day 11 
Canggih Card
Woke up earlier today to make my breakfast. Simple tuna sandwich. I made an extra for my light lunch but my lunch plan didn't turn out well. My colleague suggested that we go out for McDonald's Ayam Goreng (Fried Chicken) so we can record a video and win something. Even that didn't go well. The Ayam Goreng Box, which is requirement for the competition, sold out. Guess McDonald's has been really successful with their latest campaign. I shot a video anyway. It was difficult to watch. 

We took the longer way back to office because of a terrible jam and stopped by to take away Tau Huey (Tau Foo Fah in Cantonese, Sweet Bean Curd Pudding in the English that I made up) for tea. 

Came home with a love letter in my mail box. From one of the youth who has left for further education in KL. Well I must be honest, I feel proud to watch these youth grow in Christ. It is indeed uplifting to know that they look to me as a role model. (Although I'm not so much one myself). And wow, the card she made me is really CANGGIH (state of the art) one! 

Day 12 
Finally settled my project and found some downtime at work. Worked on the itinerary for my Sabah Trip with Gabriel. Spent hours getting the details, dropping pins on Google Maps to plan the routes, checking on AirBnB and booking websites for accommodations and etc. Let's hope I can get the bookings all fixed by tomorrow so I won't have to worry about it anymore. 

Arrived at the gym earlier today. Instead of running, I did some weight-lifting to train my chest area. Those moobs don't look good on me. Saw this beautiful scene from the gym.
Day 13 
My body wouldn't move. All the sore from last night's workout was too much. But I felt extraordinarily energized today. Despite all the issues that suddenly just decided to happen together, I had quite an enjoyable time with my colleagues. There were debates going on but they were light-hearted. I walked into the work station of one of my favourite operator and pulled a prank her. Then joked with operators and technicians from another line. And finally had a quick chat with an Indian lady that I didn't know about in the company. Must be so excited, here I am, writing this on my phone while sipping on hot Milo at a Malay coffee shop at 11:15pm, while waiting for my laundry. What a day!

Day 14
It's all set! See you in July, Sabah! I spent the entire day of attention into writing a Excel Macro that can do all my work by just a click of a button. Well, it proves harder to want to be lazy I guess.

Tried to sleep earlier tonight again, but it was too hot to sleep.

Day 15
Had to stay over time this Friday as it is my turn this week. A colleague was stressed out by work and refused to eat. So I bought orange juice for the both of us and shared a short chat at her cubicle. I'm glad the juice worked magic. 

Initially I thought we would go for lunch together to relief those stresses, well, because food is always a comfort for me, but guess it doesn't work the same for her. So I skipped lunch and had early tea. Another colleague joined me and we chat over meal. Although we are officially Flex, but the transition from Bose to Flex is still ongoing, and she is caught right in the middle of it. Venturing into new and challenging job scope, she finds herself caught in a blind rat-race. When she paused to take a breather, very often she does not understand what she had been doing. Food for thought.

I went straight to clean my homestay after work. My impatient nature is starting to make me feel like giving up on this business. The amount of cleaning and attention to details required is challenging me to a whole new level.

As usual I arrived for Cell Group earlier than required. A brother came about 15 minutes later. We had a short chat on his life and we started talking about AirBnB's latest Experience feature where we can offer a tour instead of a homestay. It is a good business idea and I encouraged him to try out. We shared some of our fears as young people venturing into business. His careful and far-sighted character has been his greatest friend and foe. We shared how business is taking risks and the fear of future often holds us back and freezes us.
My light dinner.
Trinity Methodist Church's Pastor joined us for tonight's CG and it was a fruitful and fun discussion. I took the opportunity to play the Devil's Advocate and threw in some naughty and tough questions for the discussion. God, forgive me for bad theology. Haha!

Breakfast that Katty made.
This week, my hosts are the Dani-Katty couple. This is my second visit to their home and their generosity took me by surprise. Their Guest Room was upgraded from single mattress to full queen bed. God, bless them for their kindness and generosity!

Katty laughed at the fact that I was waiting for the clock to strike twelve, so that I can check my Facebook. I spent the next 30min looking through and the thrill was over. Katty remarked that she found peace when I became inactive on Facebook because she does not have to scroll through long list of my updates. Haha!

Final 5 days next week! Then Easter is here.
Love • Christ • Unity

P.s. Happy 400th post!


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