Marriage Serves No Purpose

Question: Is marriage man-instituted or God-instituted?

If marriage is man-instituted, why bother instituting it at all? If the basic function of a married unit is to reproduce, the only logical instinct is to have multiple mates to increase chances of survival of the gene. So why would man make such an illogical institution that limits these chances? If marriage is meant to manifest the ultimatum of love, it could be done without marriage. Put a ring on and live together loving one another. I've been doing that with my parents and sister for years. Marriage then would serve no purpose.

If marriage serves a purpose, the only logical answer is that Someone with absolute morality and authority gave such a concept that permeates virtually all cultures. The only logical explanation of why the concept of marriage exists is because God designed it. And He designed it so that one man comes in union with one woman. No other moral ways about it. So the truth is, the Christians (and Muslims) are not saying that we hate gay people and refuse to give the right to marry to the LGBT, but rather the institution of marriage is not designed to be so. When one man comes in union with another man, it cannot be called a marriage.

The church is constantly under attack in the U.S. for having an anti-gay standpoint. The church is given names, insulted and labelled homophobic. In fact, not only the church, but anyone would so much as stick their heads out to have a conservative opinion on the subject, they would be labelled as intolerant, old-fashioned and stumbling stone of human civilization. (The irony is, the church is being called a bigot for having a stern opinion on the subject. Well, doesn't that make them the bigot and intolerant? Food for thought.)

The church doesn't hate the gay people. Well, at least God doesn't. But the fact that God is love doesn't change the fact that God hates sin. Most people thinks that if someone is to be loved, they are to be accepted and tolerated for what they do, but is that love? Can I be called a loving father if I know my son is a drug addict but allow him to walk to his doom? No, God and His church cannot be called loving if He allows us to continue living in death.

The gay people is sick, just as we are all sick. Homosexuality is just a tip of an iceberg. Drug addiction, adultery, idolatry, theft, greed, obsession, sickness, relationship issues and etc. They all need medical attention. And unless we stop living in denial that we are all sick, we cannot be healed. And unless we heed the instructions of our Physician, we cannot be saved.

The laws of God are not set to limit or destroy us, but instead, to offer us a better way to live. Unless we recognise that we all live in less than what we deserve, we will never truly live.

God's Character, My Encounter.


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