He Holds All Things Together
Oh well, I had a little bit of an accident in the workshop today. I was filing and de-burring my project, and I was getting a little impatient. It all turned catastrophic in less than a second. I plunged my thumb into sharp edge of the workpiece.
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The crack is about 1.5cm long. |
The immediate response I had was pulling back my hand and writhed in pain. I didn't exactly feel the pain. It was all just numbness, which the sensation was delayed by almost a minute. The bleeding soon started. In less than a minute it flooded the gaps around the nails. I was rather a little excited to see all these happened in less than 3 minutes.
Doesn't it fascinate you? I mean, the fact that your body's defence mechanism was almost instantaneously activated when something goes wrong with your body, it's fascinating. When that catastrophe happened, the warning signal was fired all the way up your nerves. But instead of going into your brain so that you would go through all the logics to tell your body what to do, it goes halfway along the spinal cord to fire back an action command to pull your hand away from the danger before even the pain message reach your system. This is first step of how your body protects you from further harm.
Then, about one minute or less later, at almost the same time as you start to feel the pain (or in my case, numbness), your blood starts to move towards the puncture wound. Red blood cell will start overflowing the wound, to flush out mostly unwanted foreign objects. Then the platelet moves in and start weaving themselves together like a natural cotton, to stop the bleeding, just so you won't bleed to death instead. From then on, your body begins its self-healing process automatically. Before you even know it, all is well again!
And none of these is done, because you told your body to do so. When God designed you, He intents to sustain you. I'm not even panicked, nor frightened (as with most other people), because I know, my body will take care of itself.
Earlier this semester, during the East Asia Regional Conference Road Show in my campus, Gabriel asked:" In what situation, will you use the word 'Awesome'?" "Err, when I look into the mirror?" I replied shamelessly. Gabriel gave me this "Oh please!" look while I was thorough enjoying myself with a little vanity.
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Best Selfie of the Sem |
But come to think of it, I would really exclaim "Awesome!" when I look into the mirror, not because the person in the mirror is in fact awesome (which I truly believe so), but because I am in awe of the person in the mirror (ok, this sounds paradoxical). I am in awe because out of so many living things at Genesis' time, God chose us to be made into His image.
He chose to make something, like Himself. He made our five senses like His; hands and feet like His; heart and mind like His. Best of all, He put His breath into us. Isn't that awesome? I mean, it would be enough to make us look like Him, but He did not stop there. He made us creative like Him; He made us speak like Him; He made us sing like Him; He made us love like Him; He made us, so that in every way, we see a vivid picture of who He really is. Powerful, mighty and creative!
Me? But why me? I'm completely broken, torn apart, and shameful. So why me? Why a Holy God like Him, would choose to love me, to the extend where He would give up anything, just to get me back? He even gave up His royal robes, and ultimately, His own life for me? (Philippians 2:5-8)
I want you to take a few minutes to just watch this. Fascinate at this. Fascinate at the love that God has for you and I, from the very beginning of time, to eternity.
Finally, I just want to end with this wonderful verse:
[Jesus] is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him. And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together. And he is the head of the body, the church. He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in everything he might be preeminent. For in him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, making peace by the blood of his cross.
Colossians 1:15-20 ESV
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Thumbs up for Jesus! |
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