Running Ahead

You are the Father of a newborn baby,
A baby born ignorant and childish.

You brought me out to green pasture,
And You teach me how to walk.

You put me on the grass,
And my feet taste of its dew.

I'm filled with joy,
But my feet is weak.

I'm too excited that I shake loose Your hands,
And I fell face down, mud smudged my face.

But You ran after me,
And with a gentle hand You picked me up.

You wiped off the tears on my face,
Tears that turn brown, mixed with mud.

You blew off the sand in my eyes,
And I can see again.

You lead me with Your warm and strong arms,
With joy I took my childish steps.

One step at a time You guide me,
One leap You would lift me.

I give You glory, for every leap that I make,
Is not done without Your lifting hands.

I give Your praise, for every stop that I take,
Is not taken without Your fortress-like arms.

Father You place rewards before me,
And You lead me towards them.

I'm sorry that sometimes I shake off Your hands,
To get to them, running ahead of  You.

And I'm grateful that You never stop running after me,
Every time that I fall.

And I'm thankful that You never stop picking me up,
Every time that I cry.

Father You are lovely,
And I love You forever!

Joash Mock Kar Wai
8 July 2012 Camp Cameron 


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