This Week? or This Weak?
=) I really wish I have more time for my own and EMO for a little while. Because at least when I'm EMO, inspiration keeps pouring in. In Uni, I can't stop enough to breath? It's just jam packed with tasks, especially when given responsibilities. But you know what, I enjoy it. I really do. It's way better than just lying on my bed thinking about nonsense and feeling drowsy all day long. But still, you always hope for something else when you are in the midst of another. Alright, just a little quick update on what I did in the past week: Had Calculus test. O God, I left 2 questions blank and several questions stuck halfway. Rushing my engineering drawing and stuck halfway. But thank God I found a shortcut to finish it. Elected Secretary of Chinese Orchestra for Engineering Campus. LOL but I expected it it anyway. Though, I did not expect to be piled up with tasks and jobs. I kinda regret?! Had CG supper last Thursday. Drove all the way to Autocity at Juru just...