The Old Selfish Me


(source: Ready With An Answer For the Tough Questions About God by John Ankerberg & John Weldon)

What evolutionists are trying to achieve is to explain God away, and hence, there’s no need for morality that stops them from doing whatever they want. There’s no need for judgement, no rules, nothing to hold us back. We can have sex with whoever we want, promote homosexuality, and even justify abortion. =) Isn’t this nice?

Yea, I found it nice, it’s exactly what I wanted isn’t it? That’s why I believed in evolution theory so so much. I could have any wife I want, I could drink all I want, I can enjoy myself in all such pleasure, because I’m going to die anyway. Purposeless, I can live my life without purpose.

I could live by my own moral according to my own interest. I determine what is right and what is wrong. As long as I achieve my goal, I’m right.

But, truth remains true even if I want to deny it so badly. This is a world with purpose, with order and of course with a Creator. Convicted by such compelling facts and evidence, I was forced to admit that evolution theory simply can’t be true provided its completely lack of evidence to support it. I thought I was so smart, but I was actually completely ignorant. Ignore the fact that, there lack evidence to show evolution theory to be accepted as a fact as most scientist do. Ignore the fact that evolution theory cannot stand as a scientific theory as it was not evaluated properly through scientific methods. Ignore the fact that, as more evidence is being discovered, the more such evidence favour the creationist.

I don’t know about you, but I wish you could see the picture, when creationists are being persecuted, despised, discriminated, silenced and oppressed, truth is covered by lies so that Satan may have his way. I pray to God, that you who claim to be “open-minded” to really open up your eyes to search into the truth. Open your minds to your “impossibles”, examine these evidence and arguments that the evil ones states. I pray to God that you may be shown wisdom and answers!

Recommend some book I read and am reading:

  1. More Than A Carpenter – Josh Mcdowell
  2. Ready With An Answer For the Tough Questions About God – John Ankerberg & Jodn Weldon


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