
Showing posts from April, 2010

Have Not

There are plans we have not carried out, Places we have not been to, Promises we have not fulfilled, Story we have not continued... But, where'd you go?


Love is always downwards, as heard from Pn. Chong MY during one of our conversation. Always the older one to the younger one, the elder generation to the younger generation, God in Heaven to us on Earth. Despite being limited to our human form, love don't restrict us, and the power of love out match nuclear power or any form of powerful energy, for it was our of love, things were created. Despite being limited by Alzheimer's disease, grandma does not forget that her granddaughter is in hunger. Taken from Weinan's blog. Even the unbelievers know how to love, how much more shall we love one another and our enemies, my fellow brothers and sisters!


When your car starts to fail you, you'll realise how possible God is; When your nation leaders start to disappoint you, you'll realise how sovereign God is; When your nation starts to torment you, you'll realise how wonderful the Kingdom of God will be; When your love ones start to hurt you, you'll realise how faithful God is; When your strength starts to weaken you, you'll realise how strong God is; When your intelligence starts to fool you, you'll realise how wise God is; When your conscience starts to contradict you, you'll realise how just God is; When your pride starts to humiliate you, you'll realise how humble God is; When your possession starts to hunger you, you'll realise how prosperous God can provide; When your works and deeds fail to justify you, you'll realise how amazing this Grace is.

GOOD Friday

Me: “*reaching out to my bag’s side pocket* Where’s my sunglasses?” Panicked. “I think I left it in the cinema!” My mood turned 180 degree. Speechless. I just bought my new spectacles not long ago, now I lost it? She was following behind, perhaps I was walking a little too fast. “Let’s go check it out at CyberCafe, perhaps I left it there before going into the cinema.” Praying: “God, please help me find my specs back please.” Disappointment in return. Detour to cinema. “May I see your manager please? I left my specs in your cinema I think.” “Please talk to the steward whether he can help you out.” “I’m sorry, the movie has already started, let me check with the janitor.” “No, we found nothing that resembles a spectacle box.” “Please let me in, I’ll check for myself please.” “Okay!” I came back out empty-handed. Praying: “O God, please!” Calling Ben: “Ben, where are you?” “First floor.” “Eh, I lost  my specs in a box.” “You need help?” “Can help me check Macdo...