
Showing posts from November, 2010


I did not expect, Haha, I actually marked the wrong day, The day of your homecoming. I'm glad, At least I'm like, The first to know of your arrival. Welcome home Delilah, This is the last for you, Yet it still feels like, A thousand miles away.

Day 21

I slept unusually early last night, Couldn't help it, I was mentally too exhausted. My gum hurts, One big ulcer hides itself, Torments me. The 21st day, The day I should be waiting for, But I've lost the reason. Know you have the answer, But I've forgot the question. Truth sets me free, But this is one freedom, I wish I never had. It hurts, More than my gum.

Day 20

How many days have passed, Counting down to the day, But I never forget to write to you each day. I wish a thousand words can tell, But a thousand steps won't reach, And a thousand wishes won't come true. I wish a thousand prayers would save, And a thousand worries would keep you safe, But a thousand pleads won't hold you. Now my thousands hope, A thousand angels will hold you, And a thousand blessings on me.

Day 19

So far, Away we are. A thousand miles isn't sufficient, Just so far apart. So empty, Nothing we are. A thousand miles isn't sufficient, Just so deep hollow. I search you and find nowhere, I hear you and heard no breath. So far, Apart we are. A thousand miles is way too far.

Day 18

Dilemma, Tomorrow will be the start, To give all that I have, All that I’ve got, In 1 and a half years. I should be anxious, I should be revising, But I don’t know where to start, Yet uneasy for not doing anything. So my camera I carried, For a walk in the midst of anxiety, To see the glory of God, And how He clothes His creations. All that I find, Is comfort.

Day 17

Things do not often go as we wanted it to. We gain things, We lose it often. But when all things fall apart, You know I'm right here for you. I'm sorry I can't be the one for you, But I'm willing to go with you. And be sure, My phone is 24 hours standby, For your name to appear on my screen. Only thing, Tell Maxis and DiGi to increase their coverage, HAHAHA!

Day 16

The door isn't open, I'll try another one.

Day 15

The less of me, The less of you, I would probably be happier. I don't like to do this, But I know I just have to, I ain't the one. Serious this time.

Day 14

How I wish I could be there, To walk you through the pain, To carry you through the streets, To hold you cross the roads. But I know, You would push me away, After all, I'm in no place to do so. Can only watch you from far. Through another slow slow week.

Day 13

Walking those streets, Nothing pleases me, Nothing displeases me as well. There's no difference, How the world shaped into my eyes. Well I constantly test, The faith that I struggle so much. Could I have been living in lies, That I chose to live in; Or could things I perceive, In fact is taking place. Perhaps it is not the reality that I test, It is myself that I doubt. As this poem continues in First-Person Only comes to prove that I'm still living in my own. There's too much ego, Too little humility. There's too much me, Too little You. As the world continues to circle around me, Its gravity would crush me. I made not of gold, Stand to crushing I cannot. Hold me tight, As I continue to sink into myself, I think You can pull me out of this. The idea that I could make a huge difference, The less of me would makes things halt, Would bring more cargo than crane. Tonight my thoughts are jumbled, But I only wish I talk more about You, And you.

Day 12

My heart did not feel any heavier, I only hope that time would go longer. Everyone has gone home, I had to stay, I chose to stay, For there's no where I could go. Maybe he was right, Though jokingly. I couldn't find a reason to stay, When you are away. Time to wave bye, To a place I called 2nd home. Only wish, You could be here.

Day 11

Okay come on DJ, Let's change the channel. Hello Delilah, You're listening to PG FM, Broad-casted from a thousand miles away, But the broadcast is so strong, It vibrates your bones, Straight to your heart. There might be a thousand questions, I know only you could be the answer. And there might be a thousand answers, But you know there could only be one reason. There might be a thousand miles to walk, I promise nothing will hurt like your black "click-clock". There might be a thousand words to talk, I promise I'll get your heart unlocked. I doubt the way I feel, But never doubted the way you heal. I doubt the way I deal, But never doubted the way you feel. I hope I could be the answer, To your thousand questions. I want to be your reason, To your thousand answers. I know the freezing wind chills, But be sure warmth of my heart you'll feel. I know the pain at your heels kill, But be sure, take my hands and you'll be healed. Sweet isn't it? Stay tuned fo...

Day 10

算到最后一支手指, 要从算过。 =) 今晚, 我笑了。 只因心情好。 哈哈, 好心情竟让妳担心。 我没事, 别担心。 只要妳无恙, 只要妳开心, 一切都不重要。 笑吧! 今晚, 我笑了…

Day 9

好冷的一夜, 漆黑的天空, 仿佛想掉泪的孩子, 却哭不出来。 寒风无情, 吹动了我的心, 这开心的一天, 怎么不配今夜的气氛。

Day 8

交错的心情, 眼泪想掉下的一晚。 无能为力的我, 今夜觉得自己好弱。 好多事情, 不在能力范围内, 不受控制。 只想捉紧身边的一切, 却发觉爱我的一切, 悄悄溜走了, 怎么捉, 也捉不住。

Day 7

这一周, 特别漫长, 似乎发生了不少是非。 又失眠了。 不懂怎么搞的, 就是睡不着。 脑海的想象, 在思念的舞台上, 飞舞。 好累, 可思念, 还不想睡。

Day 6

想妳的第六天, 是结束我七年学生生涯, 感触良多的一天。 默默无闻的一年, 在友谊万岁绕梁下, 划了钩。 也许有点不甘心, 却又庆幸, 短短的年半, 经历了又多少的风雨。 唯一遗憾的, 你不在。 两次毕业, 为两个不同的女生, 发出了 遗憾的长叹。 微笑吧! 一切事物, 总得有个结束。

Day 5

超没心情, 发觉自己如此渺小, 如此软弱。 我连对自己的承诺, 也无法守住, 那我, 又能用什么守护任何人? 我的智慧, 竟然把所有人的矛头, 那恐怖, 锋利的口舌, 向我的喉咙, 逼近。 我无法呼吸, 无法还击。 难道, 我正如他们所说, 极端, 无知? 我不懂, 我只能相信主。 至于妳呢? 好像离我好远, 好远…

Day 4

哈哈, 竟然被妳赶回房睡觉! 今天好累哦!

Day 3

怪了, 今天竟然没想妳, 却多了点寂寞。 手机不响了, 也许能让我更专注吧。 我说过会努力的, 一定会用工。 是时候把妳放在一旁了, 却一直还期望着。 骗着自己, 也许妳想让我专心, 一切过去后, 妳方能和我在一起。 可是骗话, 永远不是事实。 告诉自己, =) 该放弃了吧, 死不认输的人。

Day 2

有点早, 其实是睡不着。 被床边的书桌挡着, 想起昨晚埋头苦读, 有点难以置信。 早餐后, 可能是睡不够, 没心情。 两点了, 有点期待妳的电邮, 零。 知道自己有些迫不及待, 还有点笨。 还在, 等待…

Day 1

东, 南, 西, 北。 北方, 向东移一点点。 向妳的方向, 想妳的方向。 听着轻松的歌, 抬头望着那微蓝的天空。 冷了吧? 一丝的妄想, 也许, 妳正望着同一片天空。


手机响起, 振动了我的心, 那来电显示, 是你的名字。 接了电话, 可笑, 我竟然说不出话来。 心中百般感觉, 无法用话语拼出的不舍。 5分钟也不够, 挂了。 那一个傍晚, 我傻傻地抬头, 寻找任何移动的黑点, 也许那是带着妳飞的。 也许我能望向妳, 可我, 最终只能想妳。