My last post was on the 22 July, a very short one. Marched aimlessly for one month, in 6 more days is gonna be 10th KL Annual Campfire again. Tried so hard to shake off my part in this thing, but it seems when I swore to commit myself into serving 10th KL, there's no turning back for me. The only thing that held me on so far, is the brotherhood that keeps me coming back. Yet, it is the same brotherhood that fails me. I've put myself so far and so importantly, that whether people calls the year 2004 batch (the year I joined), they call it Kar Wai's batch. For certain people, well at least for me 2 years ago, it's a great pride. But pride always comes with a price, it starts to burden me. I'm not a person to give up, but I gave up on man. I gave up hope, faith and trust on fragile man like myself, who never fail to disappoint me. Or maybe it's just me, who wants control and want it my way. God, I have a confession to make, I'm not the perfec...