
Showing posts from July, 2009

Pulling Up My Boat

Luke 5:10-11 ......Then Jesus said to Simon, "Don't be afraid; from now on you will catch men." So they pulled their boats up on shore, left everything and followed him. Even Jesus recognised the fear to leave everything we were to follow Him. He told Simon (Peter) "Don't be afraid". I guess I'm feeling the same fear Peter was feeling. I'm just not sure whether I'm doing the right thing. It's time to pull my boat up on shore, leave everything and follow Him. But am I strong enough to actually leave everything?


拽步, 拖着不属于我的身体, 有着无数的不愿。 固执的手, 已完全不接受头脑的独裁。 关节在喊救命, 脖子磨出了青锈, 卡着了。 微笑走过的轨道, 被烦恼覆盖, 让快乐迷了路。 工作, 责任, 耗尽了我。 寻觅着你, 你, 又在何方?


揉揉惺忪睡眼, 地平线冒出第一丝赤线, 把我有过的一切, 与结束接上。 假期的轻松, 幼稚的恋情, 存在与不存在的疑惑, 随着轻抚我脸的晨风, 飘去。 哟! 见过的妳, 为何在此挥手, 让一切开始, 展延。

Serving God

Dear Heavenly Father, O Father I wanna thank You, for blessing me and for Your mercy on me. O Father you have put me in such position that I'm struggling hard for my priorities. And this very moment You gave me this task to serve You. Father I sacrificed my time and priorities in scout movement that I've been in for year and promised to commit, I sacrificed my time being with those I love, and the one I love, I sacrificed my family and being persecuted and isolated, I sacrifice my studies and my future, just to serve the Great Great You and Jesus! Father help me then, put everything in place so I may have success in everything I do and You appointed me to do. Father, give me strength that I need to complete works that You have given me. Let me have success in doing everything so that I can be blameless. Keep me pure and holy even as I'm pursuing holiness. Father, know my needs and desire Father. Fulfill them if it is right and stop me if it is wrong. Father may I have supp...


发现自己爱逞强, 以为坚持就会成功。 坚持亲力亲为, 坚持独力承担, 坚持负责任, 坚持… 爱你… 我到底还坚持些什么? 还对你期望些什么? 只知道, 坚持真的很累人! 不想坚持下去了! 好睏, 好想抱着你, 入睡…


My shoulders are heavy, I can't bear anymore. I'm not as strong as I thought I could be. I just wish to take everything off my shoulders. I just wish to be the best, the best that I can be... It feels so nice when I run away, but does that make me a man? Where's my accountability?! Perhaps I need this song... Be the best...and only the best that I can be.... Boy Scout Hymm