Simple Religion?
I enjoy taking my tea break with my colleague at about 3pm everyday. People from different department, background and religion would come together and chat about anything interesting. Religion is often the most interesting topic. In the midst of majority unbelievers, the presence of Christians in our group is somehow very well established. They grew particularly interested when among them came an Intern who is a Christian. And so today I excitedly joined the tea time and one of us brought a box of butter cookies. It was a really good snack, until Mr. Lee kindly reminded me that the box of cookies was offered to the idol. I thanked him for warning me and I explained that it is completely fine for me. After I explained that, one of them added in fluent Hokkien :" For the Christians are simple, when they sin, they just have to sincerely confess their sin. " One of the Christian colleague tried to protest. Well, because he kinda made Christianity sounds so easy. I was st...